Successful weight loss is about much more than buying the latest diet and exercise program. You have to have the right mindset to make any weight loss program work. Without the right attitude you will have an uphill battle to succeed - but if you get your head together before you begin, and keep yourself in the right frame of mind throughout your program, you multiply your chances of losing weight successfully.
So what is the right attitude to ensure you succeed? Ideally you need all of the following:-
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1. Absolute desire
You have to want a new slim figure and better health more than that piece of chocolate cake. Work out why you want to lose weight and remind yourself every day (every meal time if necessary) why you are doing this.
2. Willingness to change
You have to want to lose weight so much you're prepared to change your attitudes and your lifestyle little by little until you're living the life that keeps you slim and healthy forever.
3. Commitment to do this for once and for all
Make a firm decision to achieve your target, put it in writing and re-read it every day. Constantly renew your commitment to yourself.
4. Knowledge of yourself
No matter what your circumstances, you need to accept that you are responsible for your current weight. Only you can say what passes your lips and what doesn't. Only you decide how much or how little you move every day. You need to understand the reasons why you put on weight in the first place so that you can undo those habits. You need to know your weak spots and look for the best ways to work around them, knowing what you know about you and your lifestyle.
5. Self-belief
You must know in your heart of hearts that you can do this, that you can rely on yourself to follow through your commitment and not let yourself down. Everyone can lose weight, but you must believe it too.
6. Self confidence
You need self-confidence to keep your commitments in the face of pressure from others, self-confidence to do new things, to try new forms of exercise, to join a gym or a new class. Surprisingly you also need to have self-confidence to face the world as a slimmer person because you will attract attention and admiring glances that you're not used to.
7. Determination and perseverance
When the going gets difficult the successful just keep going. If you choose the right weight loss program, one that is balanced, and fits your life your level of fitness and circumstances and just keep going with it, you'll succeed. So don't give up.
The great thing is that you can choose to have these personal qualities and attitudes today, simply by changing the way you speak to yourself, being more positive and acting as if you have these characteristics already. You can choose to change your attitude for weight loss success or you can choose to carry on as you are. It really is up to you (and your mind) to make your weight loss program a success!
Copyright 2005, Janice Elizabeth Small
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