The Chinese are known for their ancient healing techniques that make use of nothing but nature's best. Once such technique is acupuncture which dates back 2,000 years.
Acupuncture is based on an ancient Chinese belief that the body is made up of mystical energy streams. This could be correlated with our knowledge of nerves today and that the nerves are all entwined with each other. The nerves for the shoulders may be next to the nerves for the toes. This means that by stimulating the nerves on the toes, you as well stimulate the nerves on the shoulders. Stimulating one nerve therefore will stimulate another.
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Acupuncture does not promise to be a weight loss miracle. What it promises is to affect symptoms related to or that may contribute to weight gain to help being about weight control. Acupuncture therefore can help make weight loss easy and effective.
One example is stress. Stress has been identified as a key factor in certain people's weight gain. Some people feel the need or urge to eat a lot when they are stressed and they find comfort in doing so. Acupuncture can help promote stress relief and relaxation.
Acupuncture for weight loss involves inserting needles in specific areas or points of the body through which endorphins are known to pass through, to promote calming and relaxing effects.
Endorphins are also known to affect the digestive system, especially metabolism. Therefore, by targeting these points in acupuncture, it is hoped that weight loss can be promoted.
A visit to an acupuncturist for weight loss begins with an assessment of one's general health. Pulse points are checked, along with the stomach and tongue.
When used to support weight loss goals, acupuncture counts the mouth as an important point, especially for impulsive eaters and heavy smokers.
It also focuses on the stomach for people who continue eating even if they are already full, and the endocrine system for water retention that can cause bloating and weight gain.
Other points act on the spleen for sugar imbalances, the kidneys for hormonal and nervous imbalances as well as water retention and the thyroid for metabolism. Two or more points will be chosen from these depending upon the health and needs of the patient.
Modern technology has also helped the art and science of acupuncture. The acupuncturist may use electro-stimulation to promote the release of endorphins and increase the relaxing and calming effects.
The needles usually stay on for around 30-45 minutes and the number of repeat sessions will depend upon the need of the patient, especially his weight loss goal.
The patient is also taught how to apply the pressure again afterwards for example, when he feels the strong urge to eat heavily or smoke again.
Acupuncture sessions may also be supplemented by herbal medicines as well as counseling on nutrition and lifestyle changes. The acupuncturist may even suggest combining acupuncture with other stress reduction methods. These methods may include yoga and meditation as well as breathing exercises.
Acupuncture is an ancient technique that up to this day promotes several health benefits. Like any other health options however, consistency and determination on the part of the patient is also required.
It does not promise a miraculous loss of weight but it promises to address the problems that lead to weight gain. In the process, the vicious cycle of eating heavily due to stress is put to halt so the weight loss process can proceed.
Acupuncture aims to promote harmonious flow of energy through the body for better health and life.
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