The Simple 3-Step Method For Choosing the Best Foods for Weight Loss
By now, I would say that everyone knows that in order to lose weight you need to eat better.
Actually, I was recently waiting on line at the grocery store and two women were taking about weight loss and debating about the magazines headlines promising fast and rapid weight loss.
One of them suggested that all that is needed is "to just eat right and exercise..".
It brings a smile to my face when I saw the face of the other woman when she heard that. I could tell that she was looking for a little more helpful advice than that.
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So have you ever wondered what "eating right" means?
Do you just assume that if the box says healthy then it is healthy?
Keep reading and I will give you a method to determine whether a food is healthy or not without ever having to doubt yourself.
Are you getting excited yet....?
Due to information overload and all these different opinions from the food and weight loss industries, it is easy to imagine how someone can be confused about what they should or should not eat. Keep reading and you will never have to worry about confusion anymore!
Here is the major distinction that you need to make when you are trying to lose weight (or just improving your health for that matter).
You need to reduce to a minimum the consumption of processed foods and maximize the consumption of natural, whole foods.
Yes, instead of going on a low carb or low fat diet, you need to go on a low-processed food diet.
I could just stop here and let you apply this new approach and you will have better results that you have been getting. But I know from my professional experience that I should give you more tools and be more specific.
I want to give you a method that you can use anywhere to make the best decision possible when it comes to your food choices.
I call it the "T.I.P." method
Track down the source
Investigate the ingredients
Pick your best Option
This is the method that you need to use when you are not sure if a particular food is healthy and should be eaten on a consistent basis. These are your three questions and the clues that you will be looking for:
1. What is the source of this product and how was it processed?
2. What are the ingredients of this product?
3. What is the best choice available for me?
1. What is the source of this product and how was it processed?
Now remember we want foods as natural and whole as possible, so foods like fruits and vegetables are as close as you are going to get to meet this criterion. Therefore, if the food in question is neither a fruit nor vegetable in their natural form, (canned fruits with added sugar do not count) then you need to ask your self one more question.
How did this food end up in my plate?
By thinking about the manufacturing process it took to bring that food to you, you get a good idea on how natural and whole that food is. For example, if you look at potato chips and think about what they do to make potato chips, you know that it is far removed from the natural and whole potato.
2. What are the ingredients of this product?
Here is another distinction that in itself could get you to lose all the weight that you want. By just investigating the ingredients of the food in question, you will have a clear idea about how healthy it is. Forget about the amount of calories, carbs and protein that is listed on the nutrition chart.
The most important information on the nutrition facts is the list of ingredients.
Now here is one major tip, as a rule of thumb, the more ingredients a product contains, the less healthy it is. Especially if it contains ingredients that you cannot even pronounce.
The healthiest products contain 3-5 ingredients or less.
3. What is the best choice available for me?
Here is the real life, down to earth, everyday question everyone has to consider.
We live in a world of instant, fast food. Just go down to the grocery store and look around. You can easily see that unprocessed, natural, whole foods are in the minority.
So you need to be able to make the best choice possible by making these distinctions. Sometimes you may have to make the "less bad" choice possible. For example, instead of buying white bread loaded with processed floor and sugar, you can choose the 100% whole-wheat version that contains the least amount of chemical ingredients possible.
As you can easily now understand, you should eliminate or minimize refined and processed foods, but there are still even hidden dangers in foods we may think of as "healthy". In the U.S., the use of pesticides, fungicides, antibiotics and growth hormones are common practice. These are toxic to our bodies and they make it hard for you to lose weight and should be avoided at all costs.
Now just go into your pantry and try to use the "T.I.P." method and you will be able to determine how healthy your diet is. Just by following the T.I.P. method, I am sure that you will start to lose weight without even trying.
The Beginner's guide to permanent weight loss, Part 2
The Simple 3-Step Method For Choosing the Best Foods for Weight Loss
By now, I would say that everyone knows that in order to lose weight you need to eat better.
Actually, I was recently waiting on line at the grocery store and two women were taking about weight loss and debating about the magazines headlines promising fast and rapid weight loss.
One of them suggested that all that is needed is "to just eat right and exercise..".
It brings a smile to my face when I saw the face of the other woman when she heard that. I could tell that she was looking for a little more helpful advice than that.
So have you ever wondered what "eating right" means?
Do you just assume that if the box says healthy then it is healthy?
Keep reading and I will give you a method to determine whether a food is healthy or not without ever having to doubt yourself.
Are you getting excited yet....?
Due to information overload and all these different opinions from the food and weight loss industries, it is easy to imagine how someone can be confused about what they should or should not eat. Keep reading and you will never have to worry about confusion anymore!
Here is the major distinction that you need to make when you are trying to lose weight (or just improving your health for that matter).
You need to reduce to a minimum the consumption of processed foods and maximize the consumption of natural, whole foods.
Yes, instead of going on a low carb or low fat diet, you need to go on a low-processed food diet.
I could just stop here and let you apply this new approach and you will have better results that you have been getting. But I know from my professional experience that I should give you more tools and be more specific.
I want to give you a method that you can use anywhere to make the best decision possible when it comes to your food choices.
I call it the "T.I.P." method
Track down the source
Investigate the ingredients
Pick your best Option
This is the method that you need to use when you are not sure if a particular food is healthy and should be eaten on a consistent basis. These are your three questions and the clues that you will be looking for:
1. What is the source of this product and how was it processed?
2. What are the ingredients of this product?
3. What is the best choice available for me?
1. What is the source of this product and how was it processed?
Now remember we want foods as natural and whole as possible, so foods like fruits and vegetables are as close as you are going to get to meet this criterion. Therefore, if the food in question is neither a fruit nor vegetable in their natural form, (canned fruits with added sugar do not count) then you need to ask your self one more question.
How did this food end up in my plate?
By thinking about the manufacturing process it took to bring that food to you, you get a good idea on how natural and whole that food is. For example, if you look at potato chips and think about what they do to make potato chips, you know that it is far removed from the natural and whole potato.
2. What are the ingredients of this product?
Here is another distinction that in itself could get you to lose all the weight that you want. By just investigating the ingredients of the food in question, you will have a clear idea about how healthy it is. Forget about the amount of calories, carbs and protein that is listed on the nutrition chart.
The most important information on the nutrition facts is the list of ingredients.
Now here is one major tip, as a rule of thumb, the more ingredients a product contains, the less healthy it is. Especially if it contains ingredients that you cannot even pronounce.
The healthiest products contain 3-5 ingredients or less.
3. What is the best choice available for me?
Here is the real life, down to earth, everyday question everyone has to consider.
We live in a world of instant, fast food. Just go down to the grocery store and look around. You can easily see that unprocessed, natural, whole foods are in the minority.
So you need to be able to make the best choice possible by making these distinctions. Sometimes you may have to make the "less bad" choice possible. For example, instead of buying white bread loaded with processed floor and sugar, you can choose the 100% whole-wheat version that contains the least amount of chemical ingredients possible.
As you can easily now understand, you should eliminate or minimize refined and processed foods, but there are still even hidden dangers in foods we may think of as "healthy". In the U.S., the use of pesticides, fungicides, antibiotics and growth hormones are common practice. These are toxic to our bodies and they make it hard for you to lose weight and should be avoided at all costs.
Now just go into your pantry and try to use the "T.I.P." method and you will be able to determine how healthy your diet is. Just by following the T.I.P. method, I am sure that you will start to lose weight without even trying.
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