The word hypnosis never fails to conjure up images of something
mysterious, shady or even downright occult in the minds of most
of us. Be told the word hypnosis, and in your mind's eye you may
see the silhouette of a black-hatted man waving his pocket watch
back and forth. That mysterious hypnotist figure popularized in
cinema, comic strips and TV. Its not difficult to reason why most
people come to doubt the efficacy or otherwise of hypnosis weight loss.
Though many people believe otherwise, its true that subjects
under a hypnotic spell are not really enslaved by a master who
can then seize control of their actions. They may appear passive
and look like they are asleep to an onlooker but are actually in
a very hyper attentive state. It is in this state of high
alertness that they become extremely open to suggestion. This
explains to a very large extent the effectiveness of hypnosis weight loss techniques.
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Do you remember the last time you where so weary and lying in bed
and you had that wonderful feeling of being overcome with
comfort. You then wished it could remain that way for ever. Well,
the truth is - a trained hypnotherapist can help you attain that
state quite easily, with your cooperation, of course. It will then be
possible for him to make you visualize yourself becoming
healthier, happier, richer, more confident, a non smoker or whatever.
So also during a hypnosis weight loss session, the therapist can induce
in you the mindset you need to lose weight, control your food cravings,
exercise regularly and so on.
The rationale behind medical hypnotherapy is that the mind and
body are intimately interlinked and influencing one never fails
to affect the other. If you suggest to the subconscious mind that the
body is free of pain or disease, it will actually bring about that
change. This is the reason why thousands around the world have
experienced hypnosis weight loss who never thought they could.
There is a vast deal of evidence to support the idea of hypnosis weight loss.
Thanks to the power of hypnotic suggestion,innumerable women have made
it through childbirth sans the pain and discomfort. It has helped manage the
pain of chemotherapy in countless cancer patients. And many ex patients
credit their recovery to hypnotherapy alone. The success of hypnotherapy is
undeniable and finally doctors today agree that hypnosis weight loss works.
Many people do not believe in hypnosis weight loss. And there
are so many others who do not even believe that hypnosis is real.
However, they do admit to having drifted off whilst thinking
about a loved one, forgetting large chunks of a car journey
(commonly known as highway hypnosis), or "going somewhere far
away" while reading a book. These are examples of natural trance
states. Hypnosis weight loss is about as harmless and without any
damaging side effects as any one of those.
Ex smokers and drug addicts have sworn by it. It has consistently
helped solve marital problems and rectify criminal behavior.
Hypnosis has also been used successfully where lie detector tests
have failed! And thousands have benefited from hypnosis weight loss too.
Smoking, drinking and over-eating (the leading cause of weight
gain and obesity) are bad habits caused by a malformed or wrong
mindset. Proper counseling or even better, hypnotherapy with the
help of a trained hipnotherapist can help you to permanently
change or erase such mindsets and help you change your life for
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