What is dance dance revolution?
It is a game played using a television, a game console, the DDR software, and a dance pad.
The ddr game is played on a mat or platform with 4 arrows pointing in each direction (up, down, left, right) and four arrows on your tv screen that will scroll or overlap. When they overlap then you hit the corresponding arrow on the mat with your feet all while listening to lively music.
Dance dance revolution was started in video arcades but I feel the real weight loss benefits are going to be achieved now that it can be played in the privacy of your own home.
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How expensive is DDR?
That is one of the beauties of dance dance revolution for home. You probably already own a TV and maybe even a PlayStation or similar game console. But even if you don't own a PlayStation everything you need can be purchased for approximately $300.00! This is much cheaper than many stationary bikes or elliptical machines.
How did you learn about dance dance revolution?
As part of my job here at weightloss-articles.com I subscribe to many newsletters and breaking news alerts, read many magazines, and research everything weight loss related. In one weeks time I received two breaking emails about weight loss studies with ddr and also came across one article and many many weight loss testimonials. This lead me to start researching to bring this information to our readers.
What are some of the claimed weight loss achievements?
In researching dance dance revolution weight loss achievements I came across testimonials from users claiming anywhere from 5 to 95 pounds of fat loss! I am a skeptic, especially when I read a claim on a site that is selling products, however, when I find message boards full of real people claiming weight loss I tend to believe it more. It just makes sense - if you enjoy it and do it on a daily basis you will burn more calories!
Who is DDR for?
DDR is for people who want to lose weight but who have not found a cardiovascular exercise they enjoy enough to stick with.
Overweight children who love video games will benefit greatly from ddr.
Dance dance revolution is for the people who enjoy dancing, music, moving, and a good challenge. DDR is also for anyone who is bored to tears with a treadmill, exercise bike, or elliptical machine. Most importantly it is for people healthy enough for exercise and who have been cleared by their doctor.
I believe that if your exercise and eating routines incorporate something you enjoy then you will more than likely succeed in your goals. My cardiovascular exercise of choice and a great passion in my life is mountain biking therefore I find it easy to do and want to go ride anytime I get an opportunity. When I heard of dance dance revolution or ddr I became very excited because I know many people will benefit from this and achieve their weight loss and fitness goals simply because they will feel the same way about ddr that I feel about mountain biking. If you think it is something you will enjoy, can do on a regular basis, and will stick with then by all means give it a try. DDR is creating a craze and a community of people willing to share stories, success, and experiences. Let us know if you have a dance dance revolution weight loss story you would like to share with us.
As always, I wish for you the best of health,
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